김상용 교수


김상용 교수

당뇨병, 감상선질환, 골다공증, 비만, 뇌하수체, 여성 호르몬 질환

062-220-3011(외래) ,062-220-3083(연구실)


경력 및 학회활동

  • 조선대학교 의과대학 졸업
  • 조선대학교병원 내과전공의
  • 삼성서울병원 내분비대사내과 전임의
  • Harvard Medical School BIDMC연수
  • 현 조선대학교 내과교수
  • 현 조선대학교병원 내과장
  • 현 조선대학교병원 당뇨병센터장
  • 현 대한당뇨병학회 기획이사
  • 현 대한내분비학회 홍보이사
  • 현 대한비만학회 기획이사
  • 현 Diabetes Metabolism Journal Associate Editor


  • 1. High sensitive C-reactive protein and carotid intima meida thickness in Korean populations, Journal of Korean Diabetes Association 2003;26(2):84-91.
  • 2. Increased ROS production by high glucose in cultured mouse insulinoma cell line. Journal of Korean Diabetes Association 2004;28(4):1-12.
  • 3. Effective glycemic control achieved by the transplantation of VEGF-transfected islets in STZ-induced diabetic mice. Journal of Korean Diabetes Association 2005;29(4):282-295.
  • 4. Efficacy of octreotide LAR in acromegalic patients. Journal of Korean Endocrine Society 2005;20(4):344-352.
  • 5. Heterogeneity of early onset and ketosis resistant diabetes in Korean subjects- is it possible to determine cut-off age of early-onset type 2 diabetes? Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2005;70(1):38~45.
  • 6. Insulin secretory defect plays a major role in the development of diabetes in patients with distal pancreatectomy. Metabolism 2006;55:135-141.
  • 7. Effects of caloric restriction on the expression of PGC-1 and PPARs mRNA in liver of OLETF rats. Journal of Korean Diabetes Association 2006;30(3):161~170.
  • 8. Waist circumference may be more important than body mass index in determinants of left ventricular mass in Korean hypertensive patients. Journal of Korean Diabetes Association 2007;31(2):130~136.
  • 9. Evaluation of fasting plasma glucose as a screening for diabetes mellitus in middle-aged adults in Naju country. Journal of Korean Diabetes Association 2008;32(4):328~338.
  • 10. Association of hemoglobin A1C with cardiovascular disease risk factors and metabolic syndrome in non-diabetic adults. Journal of Korean Diabetes Association 2008;32(5):435~445.