Role of Thermography in Pain Medicine [2013 대한통증학회]
Epidural Blood Patch at Lumbar Level in Patients with Spontaneous Intracranial Hypotension (자발성 두개내저압 환자에서 요추부위에서 경막외 혈액봉합술) , 의대논문집, 2014
Effect on thermoregulatory responses in patients undergoing a tympanoplasty in accordance to the anesthetic techniques during PEEP: a comparison between inhalation anesthesia with desflurane and TIVA , Korean Journal of Anesthesiology, 2014
Palonosetron for postoperative nausea and vomiting after gynecological laparoscopic surgery: Comparison of its effect on sevoflurane vs desflurane vs total intravenous anesthesia , Anesthesia and Pain Medicine, 2014
Effects of lidocaine, ketamine, and remifentanil on withdrawal response of rocuronium , Korean Journal of Anesthesiology, 2014
Inhibitory Effects of Ginsenoside-Rb2 on Nicotinic Stimulation Evoked Catecholamine Secretion , KOREAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY & PHARMACOLOGY, 2014