2020.02 | Anesthesia and Pain Medicine | 안태훈,김상훈,김동준,김세훈,정기태 | Effect of gastric decompression on postoperative vomiting in pediatric patients undergoing strabismus surgery: a randomized controlled study (p.66-72)
2020.01 | The Korean Journal of Pain | 임경준,오선희,김상훈,이현영,기영준,정기태 | Gabexate mesilate ameliorates the neuropathic pain in a rat model by inhibition of proinflammatory cytokines and nitric oxide pathway via suppression of nuclear factor-κB (p.30-39)
2019.10 | Anesthesia and Pain Medicine | 김상훈,박수영,정기태 | Dexmedetomidine as a non-triggering anesthetic agent in a patient with MELAS syndrome and systemic sepsis - A case report - (p.416-422)
2019.10 | Anesthesia and Pain Medicine | 김동준,안태훈,황미하,정기태 | The relaxant effect of nicardipine on the isolated uterine smooth muscle of the pregnant rat (p.429-433)
2019.08 | SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | 오선희,정기태 | Polyubiquitination of p62/SQSTM1 is a prerequisite for Fas/CD95 aggregation to promote caspasedependent apoptosis in cadmiumexposed mouse monocyte RAW264.7 cells (p.12240-12252)
2019.07 | Anesthesia and Pain Medicine | 김상훈,박정욱,최용준,정기태 | Sugammadex associated profound bradycardia and sustained hypotension in patient with the slow recovery of neuromuscular blockade - A case report - (p.299-304)
2019.05 | MEDICINE | 고기호,소금영,서종식,정기태,김상훈 | Effect of different doses of intravenous oxycodone and fentanyl on intubation-related hemodynamic responses A prospective double-blind randomized controlled trial (CONSORT)
2019.04 | The Korean Journal of Pain | 오선희,김상훈,임경준,송현,고기호,윤명하,정기태 | Effect of sec-O-glucosylhamaudol on mechanical allodynia in a rat model of postoperative pain (p.87-96)
2019.04 | Korean journal of anesthesiology | 김상훈,송지호,정기태 | Combination of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation and inline hemofiltration for the acute hyperkalemic cardiac arrest in a patient with Duchenne muscular dystrophy following orthopedic surgery -a cas (p.178-183)
2018.08 | TURKISH JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES | 소금영,정기태,지인국,김상훈 | Effect of intraoperative infusion of sufentanil versus remifentanil on postoperative shivering in Korea: a prospective, double-blinded, randomized control study (p.737-743)
2018.07 | Anesthesia and Pain Medicine | 정기태,지인국,김상훈 | Successful application of high-flow nasal cannula in a patient with postoperative respiratory disturbance after bilateral sagittal split ramus osteotomy surgery - A case report - (p.341-345)
2018.07 | BMC ANESTHESIOLOGY | 오선희,유병식,임경준,지인국,윤명하,정기태 | Nefopam downregulates autophagy and c-Jun N-terminal kinase activity in the regulation of neuropathic pain development following spinal nerve ligation
2018.04 | Anesthesia and Pain Medicine | 정기태,안태훈 | Updated review of resistance to neuromuscular blocking agents (p.122-127)
2018.01 | Medical Bilological Science and Engineering | 소금영,정기태,지인국,김상훈 | Comparison of analgesic efficacy of oblique subcostal and lateral transversus abdominis plane block after laparoscopic cholecystectomy (p.23-30)
2017.10 | TOXICOLOGY AND APPLIED PHARMACOLOGY | 정기태,소금영,김상훈,이현영,오선희 | MAPK/JNK1 activation protects cells against cadmium-induced autophagic cell death via differential regulation of catalase and heme oxygenase-1 in oral cancer cells (p.81-91)
2017.04 | Korean Journal of Anesthesiology | 소금영,정기태,김동우,김상훈 | Effect of dexamethasone on the onset time and recovery profiles of cisatracurium (p.163-170)
2017.04 | Korean Journal of Anesthesiology | 김동준,정기태 | The yellow discoloration of desflurane (p.224-225)
2017.04 | The Korean Journal of Pain | 오선희,김상훈,정화성,윤명하,정기태 | Antinociceptive effect of intrathecal sec-O-glucosylhamaudol on the formalin-induced pain in rats (p.98-103)
2017.01 | Anesthesia and Pain Medicine | 정기태,최용준,김혜지,허동기,강준홍,안태훈 | Effects of thiopental sodium, ketamine, and propofol on the onset time of rocuronium in children (p.47-51)
2016.11 | 군자출판사 | 공저자 | 산과마취학 2판 (p.8-23)
2016.08 | Korean Journal of Anesthesiology | 정기태,심수빈,최우영,안태훈 | Effect of hydroxyethyl starch on blood glucose levels (p.350-356)
2015.10 | BMC Anesthesiology | 김동준,소금영,김상훈,정기태 | Effects of dexmedetomidine on smooth emergence from anaesthesia in elderly patients undergoing orthopaedic surgery (p.1-11)
2015.10 | The Korean Journal of Pain | 정기태,임경준 | Autophagy: Can It be a New Experimental Research Method of Neuropathic Pain? (p.229-230)
2015.10 | Korean Journal of Anesthesiology | 소금영,정기태,소형진,심수빈,김상훈 | Clinical evaluation of a newly designed fluid warming kit on fluid warming and hypothermia during spinal surgery (p.462-468)
2015.08 | Korean Journal of Anesthesiology | 김상훈,김형진,정기태 | Position does not affect the optic nerve sheath diameter during laparoscopy (p.358-363)
2015.08 | ARCHIVES OF TOXICOLOGY | 오선희,안상건,정기태,김학렬,이강유,이병훈,윤효은,윤정훈 | Transcriptional regulation, stabilization, and subcellular redistribution of multidrug resistance-associated protein 1 (MRP1) by glycogen synthase kinase 3 alpha beta: novel insights on modes of cadmi (p.1271-1284)
2015.07 | Anesthesia and Pain Medicine | 김준,임용석,박천희,박대일,위상우,신성식,정기태 | Percutaneous cervical nucleoplasty using the L’DISQ in patients with posterolateral disc extrusion ?Three cases report? (p.165-170)
2015.06 | TOXICOLOGY RESEARCH | 김성환,소금영,안태훈,오선희,이현영,정기태,김학렬,이병훈 | Differential effects of p38 and JNK activation by GSK3 on cadmium-induced autophagy and apoptosis (p.976-985)
2015.04 | The Korean Journal of Pain | 김준,임용석,박천희,위상우,신성식,김준,정기태 | Acute Motor Weakness of Opposite Lower Extremity after Percutaneous Epidural Neuroplasty (p.144-147)
2015.01 | NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS | 오선희,오선희,이현영,정기태,윤명하,소형진,정기태 | Urinary trypsin inhibitor attenuates the development of neuropathic pain following spinal nerve ligation (p.150-155)
2014.10 | The Korean Journal of Pain | 정기태,임경준 | Curcumin, COX-2, and Protein p300/CBP (p.365-366)
2014.09 | Korean Journal of Anesthesiology | 정기태,정종달,유병식,소금영,임경준,김상훈,이현영,김혜지,배효성,박홍찬,안태훈 | Effects of lidocaine, ketamine, and remifentanil on withdrawal response of rocuronium (p.175-180)
2014.07 | Anesthesia and Pain Medicine | 임경준,이현영,조동원,배효성,정기태 | Palonosetron for postoperative nausea and vomiting after gynecological laparoscopic surgery: Comparison of its effect on sevoflurane vs desflurane vs total intravenous anesthesia (p.222-227)
2014.07 | Korean Journal of Anesthesiology | 김상훈,정종달,유병식,소금영,안태훈,임경준,이현영,정기태,이주영 | Effect on thermoregulatory responses in patients undergoing a tympanoplasty in accordance to the anesthetic techniques during PEEP: a comparison between inhalation anesthesia with desflurane and TIVA (p.32-37)
2014.01 | Korean Journal of Anesthesiology | 정기태,김재욱,김동규,안태훈 | A comparison of the clinical duration and recovery characteristics of cisatracurium after priming using rocuronium or cisatracurium - preliminary study |(p.18-22)
2013.10 | The Korean Journal of Pain | 임경준,이현영,윤명하,정기태 | The Effect of Urinary Trypsin Inhibitor Against Neuropathic Pain in Rat Models (p.356-360)
2013.09 | Korean Journal of Anesthesiology | 소금영,김상훈,김재욱,정기태 | Bradycardia during laparoscopic surgery due to high flow rate of CO2 insufflation (p.276-277)
2013.04 | The Korean Journal of Pain | 임경준,이현영,윤명하,유보연,김동규,정기태 | Effects of Palonosetron, a 5-HT3 Receptor Antagonist, on Mechanical Allodynia in a Rat Model of Postoperative Pain (p.125-129)
2013.01 | 대한수혈학회지 | 정기태,김재욱,안태훈 | 복와위에서 압력보조환기와 비침습적 양압환기를 이용한 수혈 관련 급성폐손상의 치료경험: 증례보고 (p.262-266)
2012.10 | Anesthesia and Pain Medicine | 정기태,김상훈,소금영 | An experience of increased pain in patient with postherpetic neuralgia who had skin excision -A case report- (p.289-292)
2012.08 | JOURNAL OF ANESTHESIA | 김상훈,정기태,안태훈 | Effects of tidal volume and PEEP on arterial blood gases and pulmonary mechanics during one-lung ventilation (p.568-573)
2012.06 | The Korean Journal of Pain | 정기태,이현영,임경준 | Clinical Experience of Symptomatic Sacral Perineural Cyst (p.191-194)
2012.06 | Korean Journal of Anesthesiology | 김상훈,정기태,소금영 | Effect of magnesium sulfate pretreatment on onset and recovery characteristics of cisatracurium (p.518-523)
2012.04 | Anesthesia and Pain Medicine | 김상훈,정기태,소금영 | EC50 of remifentanil to prevent pain during injection of microemulsion propofol (p.132-135)
2012.02 | JOURNAL OF ANESTHESIA | 소금영,이현영,정기태,김상훈 | Hydrocortisone for refractory hypotension of very low birth weight infant with patent ductus arteriosus: a case report (p.134-135)
2009.01 | Korean Journal of Anesthesiology | 정종달, 정기태, 이태헌, 안태훈 | The effects of etomidate on the contraction of pregnant rat uterine smooth muscle. (p.84-87)
2008.12 | Korean Journal of Anesthesiology | 은삼성, 정기태, 정종달, 소금영, 유병식, 임경준, 김상훈, 이현영, 송창훈, 석홍림, Lin Ji, 안태훈 | The comparison of the relaxant effects of propofol, thiopental, ketamine, and etomidate on isolated rat uterine smooth muscle (p.723-730)