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2019.09 | Journal of Trauma and Injury | 교신 |The utility of Non-Invasive Nasal Positive Pressure Ventilation for Acute Respiratory Distress syndrome (p.136-142)
2018.12 | J Korean Soc Clin Toxicol. | 교신 | Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation and Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy for treatment of Calcium Channel Blockers, Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers, and Metformin Overdose (p.165-171)
2018.02 | J Int Med Res | 1저자 | Hypoxia due to positive pressure ventilation in Edwards' syndrome (p.895-900)
2017.10 | Biotechnol Lett. | 1저자 | The wound-healing effect of 7,3',4'-trimethoxyflavone through increased levels of prostaglandin E2 by 15-hydroxyprostaglandin dehydrogenase inhibition. (p.1575-1582)
2017.06 | J Korean Soc Emerg Med. | 교신 | The Utility of Measuring the Difference between the Two Optic Nerve Sheath Diameters Using Ultrasonography in Predicting Operation Indication in Patients with Traumatic Brain Hemorrhage (p.231-239)
2016.05 | Am J Med Sci. | 1저자 | Prediction of Long-Term Mortality Based on Neutrophil-Lymphocyte Ratio After Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (p.467-72)
2017.06 | J Korean Soc Clin Toxicol. | 교신 | The Usefulness of Serum Lipid Concentration as a Predictor of Convulsion in Patients with Glufosinate Ammonium Poisoning. (p.40-46)
2017.04 | Journal of Acute Care Surgery | 교신 | Two Cases of Bronchial Injury in Patients with Blunt Chest Trauma (p.39-43)
The antioxidant effect of Glehnia littoralis on α-amanitin induced hepatotoxicity-2013, 대한응급의학회
Ddiissaasstteerr : Experience of a Medical Assistance for Disaster Caused by a Typhoon of Haiyan in the Philippines-2014, 대한응급의학회
03-5 : Quality of life and empathy in Korean emergency physicians-2015, 대한응급의학회
Original Articles : The Relationship between Rainfall and Traffic Accident Patients in Busan-2015, 대한응급의학회
Empathy and Quality of Life in Korean Emergency Physicians-2016, 대한응급의학회
A Case of Ascites without Liver Failure in Patient with Valproic Acid Intoxication-2016, 대한응급의학회
Two cases of spontaneous hemothorax in patients with neurofibromatosis type I-2016 , 대한응급의학회