김성재 교수


김성재 교수

불면증·기면병·수면장애, 치매·기억력장애, 우울·공황장애



목-불면증, 생체리듬 클리닉, 금-치매, 수면 클리닉, 외국인 진료가능

경력 및 학회활동

  • 조선의대 정신건강의학교실 부교수
  • 코로나 19통합심리지원단 상담위원
  • 대한수면학회 무임소이사
  • 한국정신병리-진단분류학회 간행이사
  • 정신병리학회지(The Korean Journal of Psychopathology) 편집위원장
  • Journal of Sleep Medicine 편집위원
  • ISBD (국제조울병학회) Task Force on Chronotherapy 학술위원
  • (2012-2014) Post-doc Research Fellow, Division of Sleep and Circadian Rhythm, Northwestern Feignberg School of Medicine (미국)
  • (2011-2022) 강원의대 초빙교수/객원교수/강사
  • (2020) 한국판 성인 불면증 임상진료지침 실행위원


  • 1. Shin YJ, Kim SJ, Choi JY, Kim CH. Study of the relationship between family function and internet addiction among Adolescents. Korean Academy of Addiction Psychiatry, 2003; 7(2): 110-116.
  • 2. Kim SJ, Jung HH, Lee JH. Characteristic of nocturnal sleep related with clinical parameters in hemodialysis patients. Journal of Korean Neuropsychiatric Association, 2005; 44(4): 489-496.
  • 3. Park JI, Kim SJ, Jung HH, Lee JH. The association of nocturnal sleep pattern with the quality of life in hemodialysis patients with chronic renal failure. Journal of Korean Neuropsychiatric Association, 2006; 45:145-51.
  • 4. Kim SJ, Lee JH. Neurocognitive dysfunction related with sleep factors in patients with obstructive sleep apnea. Journal of Korean Neuropsychiatric Association, 2006; 45(4):296-306. (Review article)
  • 5. Lee JH, Kim SJ, Lee DY, Choo IH, Kim KW, Youn JC, Woo JI. Relationship of sleep factors with neurocognitive function in normal elderly subjects and mild cognitive impairment (MCI) patients. Journal of Korean Neuropsychiatric Association, 2007; 46:41-9.
  • 6. Oh CK, Kim JI, Lee BH, Yoon JH, Kim CH, Kim SJ. Endogenous plasma lithium concentrations and schizophrenia. Journal of Korean Neuropsychiatric Association, 2007; 46(1): 29-34.
  • 7. Kim WJ, Han SS, Park MK, Lee SJ, Kim SJ, Lee JH. Cognitive dysfunction in non-hypoxemic COPD patients. Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases, 2007; 62:382-8.
  • 8. Lee JH, Kim SJ, Lee DY, Choo IH, Kim KW, Youn JC, Woo JI. Relationship of sleep factors with neurocognitive function in normal elderly subjects and MCI patients. Journal of Korean Neuropsychiatric Association, 2007; 46:41-9.
  • 9. Kim SJ, Jung JS, Jhoo JH, Lee JH. Relationship of nocturnal sleep with frontal lobe function in mild cognitive impairment (MCI) patients. Journal of Korean Neuropsychiatric Association, 2008; 47(3):254-262.
  • 10. Lee JH, Kim SJ, Jung HH. Nocturnal sleep related with metabolic markers in end-stage renal disease patients receiving hemodialysis. Psychiatry Investigation, 2009; 6:34-38.